- Experience Excellence at UTokyo in the Post-Corona Age–A Discussion from UTokyo New York Office will be held on November 14th
November 5th, 2021
PEAK Undergraduate Admissions Office participates in Experience Excellence at UTokyo in the Post-Corona Age–A Discussion from UTokyo New York Office on November 14th (Eastern Standard Time/EST).
Please check the following information for details.
You can either visit the NY office or join online to participate in the event.
Please note that PEAK admissions office staff members will not be in the NY office.
We look forward to meeting you.
PEAK Undergraduate Admissions Office
The University of Tokyo
Event website: https://www.utokyo-experience-excellence.com/
*pre-registration required.
UTokyoNY Event Experience Excellence at UTokyo in the Post-Corona Age–A Discussion from UTokyo New York Office.
Sun, 14 Nov 17:30-19:00 (US-Eastern Standard Time)
Mon, 15 Nov 7:30-9:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Event contents:
■Information Session (zoom webinar)
Information Session will offer general information about the university, the current condition of entry to Japan and the prospect of university education in the post-corona age. In addition, three UTokyo alumni and one current graduate student who also previously participated in university-wide exchange program discuss their life at UTokyo.
■Individual Sessions by:
- PEAK(Programs in English at Komaba): Undergraduate Admissions
- School of Science: Graduate Admissions, Transfer Program, Summer Internship Program
- Graduate School of Frontier Sciences: Graduate Admissions, Summer Internship Program
- Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences: IPADS (International Program in Agricultural Development Studies) Interdisciplinary graduate program taught entirely in English
- International Exchange Group: Exchange Program, Intensive Summer Courses, Summer Internship Program
- FUTI (Friends of UTokyo, Inc.) Scholarships for short/mid-term study abroad for students in the US and UTokyo