- To All Successful Applicants for PEAK September 2021 enrollment
April 20th, 2021
The enrollment procedures for 2021 entry are currently proceeding according to the schedule in the Application Guidelines.
However, due to the ongoing challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic, we are well aware that some UTokyo students cannot enter Japan. As the situation is unstable, the possibility exists that the schedule for enrollment may need to change.
The University of Tokyo as a whole is currently delivering its courses through a combination of online, face-to-face and hybrid (students joining simultaneously online and face-to-face) classes.
However, at the moment, all PEAK junior division classes are being conducted online, because there are PEAK students who have not yet been able to enter the country. As long as this remains the case, classes will continue to be conducted online.
We hope to resume face-to-face lectures as soon as it becomes possible for all PEAK students to enter Japan and attend classes in person.We understand that there are many questions and concerns about education during the Coronavirus situation, however we are placing our priorities on safety and ensuring that none of our students receive a diminished experience.
The following website provides some details on how the University is responding to the situation:
Details, including any updates to the process, will be provided accordingly, based on the schedule in the Application Guidelines.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us,.
Your understanding and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
PEAK Undergraduate Admissions Office